The Opening Ceremony of the 4th Talented Undergraduate Training Program was held

Source: 博伊特勒书院 Hits: Pubdate: 2019-02-25

On Feb 24, 2019, the opening ceremony of the Talented Undergraduate Training Program of the Beutler Institute was held. Prof. Bruce Beutler hosted the ceremony. Attending the ceremony were Prof. Veronique Kruys (teacher for Senior Genetics from Free University of Brussels), Dr. Scott Schuyler (teacher for English Writing and Report from Taiwan Changgung University) and 20 students selected from Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, Shandong University, Nankai University and Taiwan Changgang University.

Prof. Bruce Beutler gave introductions of course settings

Prof. Beutler elaborated on what science is

Students introduced themselves 

Prof. Veronique Kruys, teacher for Senoir Genetics

Dr. Scott Schuyler, teacher for English Writing and Reports